Removing Buffer-Specific Mappings In Vim

Until recently, I was mapping <Leader>` in insert mode to create the three pairs of tildes that are used in Github-style markdown to delineate a code block:

I expected the mapping to do the following:

// Code block here.

Later on, I realized that it was not a good idea, because it overshadows my shortcut for putting only one pair of tildes after pressing the space bar, where the latter happens to be my Leader key. Thus, instead of getting the following with Space-tilde:

`some code that should be inline`

I am getting the three-tilde-enclosed code block as above. So I decided to remove the Leader-tilde mapping in insert mode.

I source my vimrc through my shortcut:

I do :imap to see all the insert mappings. However, the mapping is still there.

i  <Space>`   *@``````<Esc>2hi

I then tried clearing the insert mappings and then again sourcing the vimrc. That still did not do the trick. I looked back at the old mapping and realized that the mapping I removed has <buffer> in it. I looked up the help for imapclear and found out that it can take <buffer> as an argument. I did:

:imapclear <buffer>

That removed the mapping completely.